As announced on MD website and explained in more detail on our discord server. Image hosting services have been unreachable for 2 weeks. Our site slightly delayed, many thanks for your understanding, patience and for continuing to visit the site ! THANKS FOR CONTINUING TO VISIT MANGA DISTRICT
Due to invoice payment dysfonctionnement on my hosting website the server was suspended Monday, October 3 at 7:00 AM (UTC). Sorry for the inconvenience !! Thank you for continuing to visit MANGA DISTRICT !
It the last days many complaints have reached my web hosting. This again forces me to change server. Which explains why the server was down for several hours yesterday. Some corrections remain to be resolved, however stability should return in the next days. Thank you for continuing to visit MANGA DISTRICT !
Some technial issue with storage zone of publications contraining me to reverse updates during the last night (UTC±00:00). I restored a copie backup of site. Some account may have some problems. Contact me here if you have any problems accessing to your account. MANGA DISTRICT