Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Makoto Niwa has just moved from his rural hometown to live with his aunt and experience high school life in the big city first hand. Unfortunately, his dreams of an adolescence filled of dates and school activities are soon shattered by having to share his new home with Erio, his deluded cousin who thinks she’s an alien and spends most of her time wrapped in a futon for protection! Now, in addition to enduring his aunt’s energetic attention and flirting awkwardly with the girls in his class, Makoto finds himself drawn into helping Erio rejoin regular society and stopping her ‘alien’ antics.
- Chapter 16 - Tsiolkovsky's Prayer (1) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 15 - Someone's Special Day to Remember (2) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 14 - Someone's Special Day to Remember (1) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 13 - RyuuKO-san's Something or Finally Other April 1, 2021
- Chapter 12 - Thanksgiving Melancholy (2) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 11 - Thanksgiving Melancholy (1) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 10 - City of Aliens April 1, 2021
- Chapter 9 - The Ground-Crawling Girls Moment of Wonder April 1, 2021
- Chapter 8 - The Paranoia of Fading Adolescence (3) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 7 - The Paranoia of Fading Adolescence (2) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 6 - The Paranoia Of Fading Adolescence (1) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 5 - Self QuestionWhat to do when you get the joker in Old Maid and you only have 3 cards left in your hand... (2) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 4 - Self QuestionWhat to do when you get the joker in Old Maid and you only have 3 cards left in your hand... (1) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 3 - Pervert Observation (2) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 2 - Pervert Observation (1) April 1, 2021
- Chapter 1 - City of Aliens April 1, 2021