Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Battlefield of Pacifists
After years of bloody war between Earth and its orbital colonies, a delicate peace has been reached in the Solar System. But when the automated weapons factory, Vulkanis, is found drifting through the asteroid belt, it’s a race to find out who will shift the balance of power. Will it be Captain Broden, idealistic commander of the last remaining OZ fleet, or Victor Gaintz, charismatic leader of the watchdog group, the “Perfect Peace People”? Only Heero Yuy and the other Gundam pilots stand between Vulkanis and another interplanetary war.
- Chapter 4 - Ch. 4 April 3, 2021
- Chapter 3 - Ch. 3 April 3, 2021
- Chapter 2 - Ch. 2 April 3, 2021
- Chapter 1 - Ch. 1 April 3, 2021