Princess Ninja Scroll: Tenka Muso
In the 16th century, the evil Nobunaga rampages across the land in pursuit of the “Tenka Musou.” Owner of the Scroll of the Heavens, Nobunaga must only locate the Scroll of the Earth to unleash the Tenka Musou’s limitless power. When his vicious troops arrive at simple village, caught in the middle is Han, teen slacker and assistant to the village baker. Han soon reveals herself as Hattori Hanzo; a sexy skilled 18 year old ninja trapped in a 13 year old’s body and sole protector of the Scroll of the Earth. Infuriated at Nobunaga’s brutality, Han vows to take the fight to its source, seize the Scroll of the Heavens and send Nobunaga where he belongs!
- Chapter 11 - Tenka Peace April 3, 2021
- Chapter 10 - Tenka Crisis April 3, 2021
- Chapter 9 - Tenka Fubu April 3, 2021
- Chapter 8 - Tenka Rumble April 3, 2021
- Chapter 7 - Tenka Clash April 3, 2021
- Chapter 6 - Tenka Big Shock April 3, 2021
- Chapter 5 - Tenka Happy Days April 3, 2021
- Chapter 4 - Tenka Homecoming April 3, 2021
- Chapter 3 - Tenka Journey April 3, 2021
- Chapter 2 - Tenka Ippin April 3, 2021
- Chapter 1 - Tenka Gomen April 3, 2021